B2B Newsletter: 23rd February 2021

Covid-19 Update
Following today’s announcement, we are sharing the key graphic that explains the Scottish Government’s framework for their “planned easing of restrictions”. Please click on the table to access their website and full information.

It only takes a minute …
Thanks to those who have completed our short survey. All responses will help us to plans for the year ahead. Below is a graphic that covers just some of the areas where we are delivering …

To complete our survey, just click here, on the image above or this e-shot’s header and follow the simple steps.

If you have views on any topic not covered in the survey, you can email me via this link. Thank you.

Mother’s Day …

Business Support …

We keep our blog updated with the latest support news. The info shared is from South Lanarkshire Council as well as the Scottish & UK Governments – covering all manner of areas of business help. Just click on the block below for more …

We’re here to help, support and offer advice. You can contact me at any time to raise any issues affecting your business via this link – or feel free to call me on my mobile: 07854533788.
 Many thanks for reading …

Malcolm Thomas-Harley, your BID manager.
Keep up to date with all we are delivering across multi-channels in support of businesses, our town and the wider community. Each QR code is a link to the relevant channel.

Hamilton Town News

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