B2B Newsletter: April 16th 2024 – Hamilton BID

New recruitment page, dedicated to and exclusively for BID area businesses.

We’ve teamed up with Hamilton’s Aspirare Recruitment Scotland to bring to you a new recruitment site as part of our service. The Aspirare site is visited on average by 1,000 users per day which provides great exposure for your vacancies at no additional cost! So don’t delay advertise today!

How to post your vacancy: Posting is easy, simply register your business as a ‘Job creator’ via the link.


  1. Click Hamilton Jobs.
  2. Add a new post.
  3. Follow the instructions on screen. 
  4. Submit for review.

Breeze Radio (formally Radio Lanarkshire) discounted ads:

Our local radio station, Breeze radio is offering 10% discounts for BID area business advertising. If anyone is interested in this offer use discount code BID10 when contacting Breeze radio via email to organise your ad admin@breezeradioscotland.co.uk.

Hamilton Masterplan consultation: Website link


If you haven’t already provided your feedback regarding the masterplan, the link is above. As you will be aware, the vision sets out the potential for significant change in the long term with a key aspect of the vision a reduction in commercial space in favour of residential.   To help support informal communication we have set up a short feedback form where businesses can note comments to ourselves regarding the plans. https://forms.gle/SvMtTdBGKdWmqjkXA (This is not part of the formal consultation).

Hamilton Our Town AGM:

Our AGM will take place on the 30th April, 14:00 – 15:30 in the Beefeater on Townhead Street. If you are interested in attending, please email malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org.

Hamilton Town News

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