Hamilton’s virtual reality: updated 22/04/20

Many businesses and organisations across the town are doing all they can to engage with customers during the Covid-19 lockdown. This Blog highlights some of the activity and provides links to discover more. We will update this ongoing to keep all posted …

Friday Night Online Pub Quiz

Junkyard on Chapel Street have a Friday Night Quiz. Watch their page in the countdown as they’ll share joining codes to allow you to log in.

Home Challenge

Leisure in South Lanarkshire is setting wee challenges for you and your family to try. Put on your favourite music for 20 minutes and do as many reps as you possibly can. You’ll find regular updates on their Facebook page.

Hamilton Town News

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Our Virtual Winter Market – Open Now!

This season, more than ever, we’re asking everyone to #ShopLocal and support our town via our virtual Winter Market. Our businesses...

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