Ballot now open!

It was great to see so many BID area businesses come along to our open day at the Beefeater on 25.08.22.

We were proud to launch our business plan setting out our goals for the next term and ask that all business in the BID area vote YES!. Also, on the day we had in attendance Reach Publications, Made In Scotland, E3 Hub and Eyebright all providing information and support to attendees.

We are passionate about Hamilton BID area and look forward to delivering projects and support that otherwise would not take place without our group. Check out our business plan. Yes For Our Town​ – Hamilton BID (

We look forward to working together with businesses and the community on the up-coming festive events including the light switch on right in the central BID area zone followed by a vibrant 2023 events schedule.

We look forward to bringing back the hugely popular Hamilton Our Town market.

We look forward to being able to continue projects such as Free- Wi Fi , town centre planters, Shop front grants, Taxi Marshall schemes, town centre safety, signage projects and free photography for businesses.

We look forward to continuing our dynamic and impactful town centre marketing through Hamilton Our town Digital channels and website…and more.

We look forward to doing all this and more with drive and energy working on behalf of businesses in Hamilton BID area.

Without a yes vote all of this will be lost including all future projects. Therefore, it is vital that as many businesses as possible complete their ballot paper and return it before the October 6th deadline, voting YES.

Thank you.

For more information please contact us here Get In Touch – Hamilton BID (

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