B2B Newsletter: March 30th 2023 – Hamilton BID

Quarry Street opening plans:

Thanks to everyone that has provided feedback so far on these proposals. This week we have gained further clarity on the proposal and posed questions to the local authority base on your feedback. As a reminder the plan is for the street to officially open to vehicles with the provision of 22 spaces for free parking (30-minute duration).

  • Delivery times: There will be restrictions in place between 09:30 – 16:00 and deliveries will not be officially permitted. Businesses are advised to use loading areas behind premises if available or amend delivery times. Enforcement is likely to be in place in particular in the 1st few weeks of the road opening.
  • Pedestrian safety: We anticipate that the road will be a 20-mph zone and signage will be refreshed at the start or the street indicating this. No other measures will be put in place.
  • Number of spaces: Plans are for 22 spaces. Following our feedback, the possibility of further spaces being added is being considered.
  • Café seating: We have checked if the positioning of bays would impact café seating. We have been informed that parking spaces will have no impact of café outdoor seating.

We are keen to continue to gain your feedback. Click here to give us your views: https://forms.gle/hpjs5zWR8mh3vQ616

Markets & Events:

We’re back this Saturday with Hamilton Market in the Regent Centre and then the following with Hamilton Easter Gala taking place on Quarry Street. Smith’s funfair will also be in operation on Townhead street on the 8th. We are confident in attracting 6,000+ visitors across the 2 dates and look forward to our markets and events continuing monthly through 2023. If a business would like a free stall, please fill in this form https://forms.gle/yhMYMHpQGMZAC1vA6

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