B2B Newsletter: March 26th 2024 – Hamilton BID

Hamilton Masterplan Consultation:


The Public consultation continues this week within the former quiz unit in the Regent Centre. The link above provides detailed info and access to the survey for those who cannot make it along. We will be in attendance this week 10am-12pm Wednesday and Thursday too.

To help support informal communication we have set up a short feedback form where businesses can note comments to ourselves regarding the plans. (This is not part of the formal consultation).

Easter Gala day 30th March & Road closure this Saturday:

This Saturday 30th March, Hamilton Easter Gala returns to Quarry Street with Smith’s funfair operating on Townhead Street from Friday to Monday. This will be our final date for our Spring festival activity which has been taking place over the month. If any business would like a stall, as always, the pitch is free for BID businesses. Quarry Street will be closed for this event from 5am to 7pm, however if there are any businesses with deliveries planned, including delivery food services please get in touch.

Recruitment website:

Thanks to our friends at Aspirare, we will shortly be launching a new free to use recruitment site in support of businesses in the BID area and our community. This will be a brand new and high impact method of filling vacancies via an agency at no cost. Details to follow shortly.

February footfall reporting:

As per pervious updates we’ve teamed up with Place Informatics, the ‘UK’s leading provider of footfall data’ to enable an improved understanding of visitor numbers in our area. Below is information for February:

  • Hamilton (BID area) +3.03% year on year (Top 4 in Scotland)
  • Scotland – 1.95% year on year 
  • UK – 2.83%
February’s top BID area street for footfall year on year: 
Cadzow Street +21% versus 2023

UK summary: ‘Due to the UK’s second warmest February on record and Southern England encountering its wettest month, town centres across the country witnessed a year-on-year decrease of -2.83% in foot traffic’ Place informatics.

Hamilton Town News

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