Regent Centre

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About Us

Regent Shopping Centre lies in the heart of Hamilton town centre. Fun for the whole family at the Regent Shopping Centre. A combination of big store names and a variety of speciality shops makes the Regent Shopping Centre, Hamilton, a great place to shop. But there’s more to life than shopping so we’ve put together a programme of fun events for you and your family to enjoy! Also look out for King Reg doing his shopping in the centre too! The Regent Shopping Centre, Hamilton – it’s shopping fit for a king!

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Regent Centre

Company Details

About Us

Regent Shopping Centre lies in the heart of Hamilton town centre. Fun for the whole family at the Regent Shopping Centre. A combination of big store names and a variety of speciality shops makes the Regent Shopping Centre, Hamilton, a great place to shop. But there’s more to life than shopping so we’ve put together a programme of fun events for you and your family to enjoy! Also look out for King Reg doing his shopping in the centre too! The Regent Shopping Centre, Hamilton – it’s shopping fit for a king!

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