B2B Newsletter: May 14th 2024 – Hamilton BID

Quarry Street free parking:

Following our ongoing feedback, we are please to see that parking locations have now been marked on the road surface on Quarry Street. Now that this action has taken place, we hope that the opening of this street and Cadzow Street to vehicles, combined with 30min free parking will support access, town centre experience and in turn visitor numbers.

New Cross shopping centre:

As reported by the South Lanarkshire council ‘View’ online article published on the 10th May, the Newcross shopping centre will be closed. It has now been agreed that New Cross Shopping Centre, which was returned to council ownership in September 2021 in a very poor state of repair, should be closed as soon as possible and demolished to prepare the way for redevelopment.’ The New Cross decision will allow the council to complete negotiations with remaining tenants to close the shopping centre, with plans to be drawn up for demolition at a future date’. 

To read the full article, click the link:

Get involved!

With the masterplan work and changes on the horizon, we’re reaching out to anyone that would like to be involved either as part of our board or as part of a working group focused on supporting 2-way communication regarding any future masterplan activity. If interested let us know, please email me at malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org

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