Easter Events:
A massive thanks to all of the businesses that participated in our 1st ever Easter market events over the past 2 Saturday’. We were delighted by the boost in footfall that both of these events generated and so far feedback from businesses and the public has been very positive. We hope that these events bring visitors into the town that would not otherwise visit and in turn provide commercial opportunities far beyond the event dates. We have used the information available to estimate that the 2 Easter events have resulted in well over 3,000 additional visitors to the BID area (which may be on the conservative side). Based on feedback from businesses this increase in footfall has resulted increased income levels from modest to high range on the event days. However, we hope that these new visitors return and continue to spend! If you have any feedback on the 2 Easter events please get in touch.
Marketing on our social channels reached over 150,000 people on Facebook alone through the Easter period. Two large adverts and a double page spread in the Hamilton Advertiser alongside the front page of the Hamilton People all ensured that Hamilton town centre marketing message was driven over this period.

What’s next:
We are delighted to be working on plans for summer events and more on this will follow soon…
As announced last week, we are hosting this year’s meeting on Friday 29th April at around the same time as last year’s 14:00 – 15:30pm. If interested in attending, please get in touch at malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org. We will then confirm the location and format once we understand the level of interest next week.
We know that various challenges impact people’s ability to attend these types of business meetings, especially now. Various times including out of businesses hours in the evening, breakfast meetings, online and other times have been tried. However, we understand that no matter the time, it will suit some and not others. Therefore, and as always, I can come to you!. Drop me a line and I will get a visit in the diary to come along and see you in your business to run through the content of AGM after the date. Slides from the AGM will also be posted on our website too.
Next Steps/Business Plan:
A reminder that our ‘Next Steps’ info sheet following on from the recent survey’s can be found on our website. Yes For Our Town – Hamilton BID (hamiltonourtown.co.uk) These were also sent to all of businesses in the post recently. We are writing a new business plan for the next 5 years based on the results of the surveys and our ongoing conversations. If anyone has any further ideas or input, please let me know as it is much appreciated!