Business Survey Update
Thank you to all the businesses that completed our recent survey. Please see below our key learnings from the survey …
- Grant information and business updates are valuable to you and we should continue to publish these weekly.
- Social media marketing is valuable to you however there may be opportunities to improve what we offer.
- Most businesses now have a method of selling online.
- Our focus right now should be advertising that is targeted at the local community alongside help, advice and raising issues with local government.
- Over the next six months you want us to focus on supporting the look and feel of the town centre alongside ongoing support and advice particularly with regards grants and where possible events.

This survey will remain open until this Friday to give those who have not yet responded another chance to do so. Just follow this link to share your views.
Quarry Street Action Group The BID is here to improve the business prospects in the area: to be successful with this mission working in collaboration with business and listening is vital for us.

Therefore I hope to set up working groups within the town centre that will focus energy on the specific streets / location.
I am aiming to start this with a Quarry Street / Quarry Lane / Lamb Street working group. The purpose is for you to participate in discussions around what you may need to improve business prospects on the street. More than ever we need to listen and work together to support each other.
If interested in joining this group please fill in the very short form via this link and I will be in touch.
Mother’s Day …

Business Support …
We keep our blog updated with the latest support news. The info shared is from South Lanarkshire Council as well as the Scottish & UK Governments – covering all manner of areas of business help. Just click on the block below for more …

A BID Exclusive Offer …
Made In Scotland are a web design and digital agency based in Hamilton, with a devoted team who live and breathe the online world! Now more than ever our sole focus is to enhance your online profile making it easier for your customers to find your business and in turn drive a return from online investment.
As a fellow member of the Hamilton Bid, we have an exclusive social package only available to bid members, outlined below …
Social Media Awareness Package – £600 p/m (Usually £1000 p/m)
- Monthly reporting
- Social strategy
- 8 posts per month
- Paid social boosting – £50-£100 per month
- Additional stories posting for Instagram and Facebook
To learn more about this fantastic offer, speak to us today on 01698 892545 or click on the block below …

We’re here to help, support and offer advice. You can contact me at any time to raise any issues affecting your business via this link – or feel free to call me on my mobile: 07854533788.
Many thanks for reading …
Malcolm Thomas-Harley, your BID manager.
Keep up to date with all we are delivering across multi-channels in support of businesses, our town and the wider community. Each QR code is a link to the relevant channel.