B2B Newsletter: 17th June 2021

Hamilton Market Update

Firstly thanks to all 18 of you that have requested a stall via the google form. With this initiative’s key aim of supporting the BID members I am delighted by the response so far. If you are interested in a stall it’s not too late however you must complete the form below to be considered. I am emphasising this as I have had further interest without form completion.

For those who have already applied now is the time to send in the various documentation to SHS our market management company to ensure SLC can authorise your stall from a safety perspective. As a reminder, below is what you need to send in. (Most of the documentation relates to the sale of food).

Public Liability Insurance, Food Handling, EHO Hygiene certificate, PAT and Gas Certificates.

Copies of all relevant certificates should be sent to: Lauren @ : admin@stallhirescotland.co.uk and copy in malcolm.thomasharley@hamiltonbid.org


We currently have an average of x22 potential stalls across each date with capacity for more. In addition to the town centre businesses, we are keen to bring in local producers with high-quality product NOT in direct competition with our businesses. The purpose of which is to increase the customer offering and in turn improve footfall for the BID businesses. If you have any connection with local suppliers, in particular, selling fruit and veg, plants, art or any other local quality product please feel free to pass on the sign-up details and we will assess the application. 

I will keep you up to date with this including final approvals for the market from SLC….

Keep our town tidy!

Hamilton BID will lead a new monthly litter pick in the town centre starting in July. This forms part of our aims to make the town look the best it can. We are also pleased to report that Quarry Place is now on the cleaning schedule and has recently been pressure washed following reporting from the BID.
Issues with overflowing bins and fly-tipping are regular items reported to SLC by the BID. Can I request your support with this issue by doing all possible to manage business waste and return your bin if possible after collection. If there are any issues that you spot please get in touch via our contact us section of the website or via SLC reporting platform Fly-tipping – South Lanarkshire Council.

Marketing Support

A reminder that if you wish photography, original content on our socials and additional support provision as part of our marketing initiative you need to get in touch with us by clicking this link. Feel free to check out our latest business profiles on our new website www.hamiltonourtown.co.uk

Hamilton Town News

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