New Support for Businesses
A significant top-up to the grant support available for hospitality, retail and leisure businesses has been announced by the Scottish Government. In addition to the grants businesses receive through the Strategic Business Framework Fund, eligible businesses can apply for one-off grants. More is available via our Blog via this link and includes tips on making your application shared by South Lanarkshire Council.
Hamilton Online You may have seen we’ve started promoting business websites via the digital channels we manage – not only sharing direct links to businesses’ sites but also highlighting our Virtual Winter Market.
Need plugging now? Just get in touch and we’ll showcase your business website or chosen social media feed to make more people more aware of your products and services. If you’d like us to feature your business, just email via this link. Virtual Winter Market
Hundreds of people are clicking on our Online Winter Market showcasing links to all businesses in the BID area. We’re promoting this on all channels including via YouTube …

2021 Plans Everyone’s plans for the year ahead are being chopped and changed to manage how we are all coping with the lockdown. We are here to help, support and offer advice. You can contact me at any time to raise any issues affecting your business via this link or feel free to call me on my mobile: 07854533788.
Many thanks for reading …
Malcolm Thomas-Harley, your BID manager.
Keep up to date with all we are delivering across multi-channels in support of businesses, our town and the wider community. Each QR code is a link to the relevant channel.